Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Americans with Disabilities Act turns 21

Happy Anniversary everyone! Today the Americans with Disabilities Act is 21 years old. For some of us that means every year of their lives have been covered by the ADA. This, does not mean it has all been smooth sailing. We still need to work at getting just the simplest needs met. Those of us who were born 21 years ago can now legally drink, vote and do all of the things that are rights of passage in the U.S., but they are still not given equal education, employment or access.

The image to the left is the ADAPT Free Our People symble, breaking chains on the arms over the head of the universal wheelchair access symble.

"The American with Disabilities Act was a wide-sweeping civil rights legislation giving protections to individuals with disabilities. Equal opportunity was established for employment, transportation, telecommunications, public accommodations and the state and federal government's services." Borrowed from the Museum of DisABILITY History. The Society Timeline is a welth of information and I suggest everyone read it and know our history.

The Image to the right is of an ADAPT activist crawling up the capitals steps to get the ADA past in 1989.

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